Tuesday 26 October 2010

Overdue update on 'Fiction' project progress

So, yeah, I have actually been working, just forget to blog about the work I've actually done...
I completed the 'everything drawing' and 4 ways task respectively. I enjoyed both but feel the book format of the 4 ways task is best suited for the outcome I want to achieve.
I have a personal love affair with the book/comic format so it just seems natural to go the route I'll enjoy most.

The crit last week was highly useful in terms of seeing how others have approached their texts and it's always a nice confidence boost when fellow students compliment your work. One in particular seemed really impressed with my fold-out experiment I did for one of the booklets in the 4 way task.

When talking with Luke, my tutor, I decided I shouldn't feel obligated to illustrate for the purpose of story telling and that I could do a book of vague glimpses of the Dunwich Horror itself. This came about because of my confession to him that I greatly enjoyed illustrating monstrous and macabre. He seemed to think if that was what I liked to do then I should do it. I think a few establishing shots for sense of place and moment will be sufficient enough to support a monster-centric story.

Since I'm such an fan of monster creation this whole process will hopefully be a breeze.

More updates soon.

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